Lendület III.

MTA-PE Translational Glycomics

Dr. Gabor Jarvas


Academic title

MSc (chemical engineering)

PhD (chemistry)


Building I, laboratory 805

telephon: +36-88-624-063

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gabor Jarvas was born on October 12, 1982, in Hungary. He received his MSc (2007) in Chemical Engineering and his PhD (2012) in chemistry from University of Pannonia. He is a postdoctoral researcher of MTA-PE Translational Glycomics Research Group, working at University of Pannonia. His current research interest focuses on the CFD simulation and application of Microfabriacated Analytical Devices for the identification of biomarkers of cancer in early phase. He has published two peer review papers in international journals. He is also active in the estimation of phase equilibrium of multicomponent mixtures using COSMO-RS theory.

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